About Me


Graduate with a bachelors degree in computer science with a passion for software security and embedded systems. Looking for careers in software security that can utilize my independence, persistence and dependability for meaningful work.


Led a student created orginzation aimed to further our peers knowledge about engineering topics not coverd in our classes.
Conducted rigorous instruction of fundamental curriculum while identifying subjects that students struggle with to improve GPA by 65% over the past year.

URL Expander

A web page with an API meant to check the safety of links found online.
Insert a link and see the number of redirects, final URL and owner of the domain.
Made with Ruby using MVC paterns and automated test cases.

Work Base

Group project which set up a work sheduling app.
Individual users stored on our server can add and edit events on a shared calander.
Made with HTML, JS, CSS and PHP

Other Projects

I have worked on several projects I am proud of,
and plan on furthering my knowledge
by creating more interesting and fun programs.


I love to take apart and build anything tech related, like this car that runs off of a Raspberi Pi.

Love the

Any opportunity I have, I go camping or backpacking just to spend my time in nature.

Contact Me!